Busting Bingo Myths and Stereotypes


Busting Bingo Myths and Stereotypes


Several bingo cards with several numbers covered by bingo chips.

Busting Bingo Myths and Stereotypes


Several bingo cards with several numbers covered by bingo chips.

If you only recently discovered bingo, you’re hundreds of years behind! Bingo has been around for centuries, and over time, people have come to make a number of assumptions about the game and those who play it. Assumptions about the game have a variety of origins and have been popularised among bingo enthusiasts. But whether they are more than assumptions remains to be seen. 

With the added option of playing bingo at an online casino, the game’s popularity has increased over the years and has attracted a younger audience. However, along with its growing popularity have come a number of myths and stereotypes. The thing about myths is that unless there’s a desire to debunk them, they will be mistaken for the truth! Whether you prefer in-person bingo because of the social aspect of the game or online bingo casino experience because of the convenience it offers, there are some myths and stereotypes you should be mindful of because they may impact your gameplay.

Let’s consider some of these myths. 

1. ‘It’s an old person’s game’

For the longest time, it’s been assumed that bingo is a game for older people, and on the face of it, this stereotype may appear to be true. In the past, if you popped into a casino or you visited a bingo hall or other bingo event, you were likely to find a large number of older people at play. This stereotype has also been reinforced by popular media, with films and television depicting bingo players mainly as older people. But as always, the truth is a little bit more complex.  

While in-person events may indeed lean toward an older demographic, many younger people are playing the game too – they’re just doing it online. According to a 2018 study conducted by the British research organization YouGov titled “A full house – who is driving online bingo’s growth?”, the majority of people who play bingo online are between the ages of 24 and 30. This group comprised 28% of the total player base, with the next largest age group (26%) comprising those between 35 and 44.

While this may mean that older people prefer to play in person, there’s undoubtedly a community of young bingo players who enjoy playing online – which bodes well for the future of this fun game of chance.

Claim: Only old people play bingo? False! Younger people just prefer to play online.

2. ‘Only women play’

Another popular myth is that only women play bingo. Looking back over the game’s history, it’s easy to see why people would have come to make this assumption. For decades, bingo halls have been dominated by female players, and more recently, the ratio of male and female players has confirmed this, with 32% of players being men and 68% women (according to the YouGov study mentioned earlier). 

Many have speculated why this should be the case, putting it down to bingo being a more social game or less competitive or even due to the way some companies market their bingo services. Whatever the reason, the demographics of players are starting to change.

A young man plays online bingo on his tablet.

Whether men feel more comfortable playing online as they are less likely to feel embarrassed or both men and women are starting to reject gender stereotypes more consciously, the simple fact is that there is a growing number of men who are playing bingo online.

Claim: Bingo is a game for women? False (mostly.) It’s still mainly women who play the game, but there is a growing number of men who play online bingo.

3. ‘Bingo is a dying game’

If you’re an older bingo player, it might seem to you as though bingo is dying. After all, there was a time when bingo halls were not only pretty common, they offered massive prizes as well. For example, there was the Big Cypress bingo hall in South Florida. In 1987, a group of investors had massive plans and built this incredible bingo hall in the swamps. Back then, the game was so popular that this particular venue offered cash prizes worth up to $1 million and even new cars! Meanwhile, in the UK, there were more than 600 bingo halls in the early 2000s, while only a fraction remains open today.

Surely this means bingo is dying? Not a chance. Bingo is far from dead, it’s just evolving to keep pace with the changing times.

As we already mentioned, online bingo is being embraced by a younger generation, with a growing number of men choosing to play the game online. As far back as the early 2010s, people noticed how the online version of the game was attracting players. A 2013 BBC article, “Online bingo: A very full house,” highlighted how UK players were flocking to sites to play, attracted by the convenience of gameplay and the buzzing chat rooms. Add to this the fact you can play multiple games and that there’s much more variety, and you have a recipe for success!

Claim: Bingo is dying? False! It’s evolving into a fantastic online experience.

4. ‘The games are rigged’

An angry player shouts at his computer screen.

For as long as there are games of chance, there’ll be people who claim that bingo games are rigged. Whether they claim that a bingo card is designed to make sure they lose or that the digital versions of the game are designed to rip you off, naysayers would like to think that the world is out to get them, not that they’re just having a run of bad luck. 

If you’re new and are learning to play bingo online or you’re an expert who’s been playing with daubers and bingo cards for years, you’ll hear these stories from people, but the question is: are they right?

The truth is that both game hosts, game players and others can cheat at the game, but there are checks and balances to ensure this doesn’t happen. To keep a relationship of trust with their players, bingo halls, game developers, casinos and online casinos undergo audits by independent organizations to verify that their games are fair. This ensures the businesses (and the games they offer) are trustworthy and that players can relax and have a good time.

Claim: Bingo games are a scam? False! Traditional bingo is a game of pure chance, and modern digital games use RNGs (random number generators) to ensure the game remains purely about luck. These online bingo games are audited by independent third parties to ensure fair play.

5. ‘You can only win if you play a lot of cards’

Naturally, people who play bingo are looking to increase their chances of winning. While playing more than one card could improve your chances of winning – given that you can handle multiple cards at once if you’re playing bingo in person – that’s not the only way to win. In fact, this myth tends to put many people off playing bingo because it creates the impression that you need to spend more if you want to win, which isn’t necessarily true.

Claim: You can only win if you buy and play many cards. This is false, you can absolutely win playing only a few cards – as many as you feel comfortable with.

6. ‘You must have a lot of money to spend on tickets to play and win’

You could say that this is a result of the myth above. Because people think you need to play a lot of cards to win, this means that you must spend a lot of money purchasing many tickets. This is far from the truth. A part of responsible gambling is having a budget that you stick to, which dictates how much you’ll spend betting or playing games – this also applies to playing bingo. You also have the option to take advantage of the free games and discounts that some bingo halls and online platforms offer.

Claim: The more money you spend on bingo tickets, the better. This is absolutely false. It’s very possible to play bingo and win without breaking the bank or exceeding the budget you set for yourself. It’s entirely up to you how much you want to spend on bingo tickets.

Play the best online bingo games at Borgata Bingo

At Borgata Bingo, New Jersey residents can try their luck on a range of exciting games, including the classic 75-ball and 90-ball bingo game variations, as well as jackpot slots, Slingo, and many more exciting titles. See what incredible gameplay is on offer when you play online bingo. If you’re ready to immerse yourself in everything an online casino offers, register at Borgata Bingo to experience the thrill and excitement of responsible online bingo gambling.