Handling Variance in Poker


Handling Variance in Poker


A man holds up four aces in his hand and celebrates at a poker tale

Handling Variance in Poker


A Royal Flush poker hand

Picture this: you’re sitting at a poker table, the cards are being dealt and the stakes are high. You’re dealt a strong hand and for a moment, you’re in control. Then, in the next round, the tide turns. Suddenly you’re grappling with a run of bad cards. Welcome to the unpredictable dance with Lady Luck, the essence of what is known as variance in poker. So, what is variance in poker? It’s a statistical reality that ensures no two games are alike and guarantees a wild ride for every player, irrespective of their skills or experience.

In online poker, variance can be a tough dance partner who can lead you to believe you’re soaring one moment, then send you spiraling the next. But the real game lies not in avoiding this dance but in mastering the steps. With the right mental attitude needed for poker success, variance is not a stumbling block but a dance floor where you can twirl, pivot and make your mark. It’s where you transform from a player to a pro, learning to navigate the ebbs and flows and emerge resilient.

Are you ready to take the lead in this dance with Lady Luck? Ready to learn a vital step in how to play poker that could make this unpredictable partner a thrilling and rewarding one? Shuffle up and deal.

From Happy Tunes to Sad Songs: Why Is There Variance in Poker

Say you’re at home, comfortably seated and engaged in one of your favorite online poker tournaments, be it a Texas Hold’em poker game, Five-Card Stud or any other. You’ve got a good hand, but suddenly, the tables turn — you’re on a losing streak and you’re starting to go on tilt. The cards you’d been hoping for simply haven’t come your way. Welcome to the world of variance in poker games online.

It’s like listening to a symphony — one moment, you’re getting your groove on to the rhythm of a happy tune and next, it’s a slow dance to a sad and depressing song.

In essence, variance is the gap between what should happen and what does happen based on luck. You could be playing your best game, making all the right moves, but still find yourself on the losing end of a hand. And that’s because online casino games, especially poker, blend skill and luck. The cards are dealt randomly and even the best dancers (or players) can’t predict the next step in the dance with Lady Luck.

Moving to the Beat Like a Pro: How To Deal With Variance

A man looking upset staring at a laptop with poker chips next to him

Want to learn to handle the ups and downs of variance? First, let’s talk about the long game. This is your dance routine. It’s not about the individual steps — or cards you’re dealt — but the entire performance. And part of this performance involves dealing with poker leaks. They’re like those little missteps in your dance routine. Over time, they can throw you off your rhythm if not corrected. So, learn to spot them and fix poker leaks.

Next, let’s talk about bankroll management. Imagine pacing yourself in a dance marathon. You don’t want to use up all your energy in the first few minutes. So, play smart. Don’t risk too much of your bankroll in a single game.

And finally, keep your emotions in check. It’s like keeping a straight face when you miss a beat. A downswing can be frustrating, but don’t let it throw you off your game. Keep your cool and keep dancing.

This Song Might Be Over, but the Dance Has Just Begun

As our poker melody draws to a close, let’s not forget that the song might be over, but the dance has just begun. Variance, our ever-present dance partner, will always keep us on our toes. But now, armed with the understanding of why variance occurs and how to handle it, you are ready to sashay through the highs and lows with grace and fortitude.
Are you keen to take the stage? At Borgata Online, you can join the rousing chorus of poker games online. Register now and join the dance — and remember, every game is a chance to put your newfound knowledge into practice and make your mark as the pro you are becoming. May the cards fall forever in your favor.