Chasing Luck Responsibly: The Latest States’ Initiatives


Chasing Luck Responsibly: The Latest States’ Initiatives


A vector of three red dice, saying “manage your risk”

Chasing Luck Responsibly: The Latest States’ Initiatives


Chips with ‘safe’ and ‘risk’ with on them

With the explosion of online casino offerings and casino games, it’s more crucial than ever for the industry to keep gambling habits in check. States across the US have taken up the gauntlet, implementing initiatives to push for people to gamble responsibly. Read about the latest efforts states in the US are taking to promote responsible gambling education, increase awareness and provide treatment options.

States Stepping Up Their Game

States like New Jersey and Pennsylvania have initiated self-exclusion programs — a nifty option that lets players take a step back from both online casino games and in-person gambling venues. Even the glitz and glam of Nevada and Mississippi are on board, requiring mandatory responsible gambling training for those dealing the cards and spinning the wheels in casinos.

Educating the Gamblers

In Massachusetts, education is the main focus. The Massachusetts Gaming Commission is pulling all stops, funding public education campaigns that scatter educational materials across gaming establishments like confetti at a party. But it’s not all East Coast: Ohio’s Problem Gambling Advisory Board is spending a great deal on research to improve the state’s responsible gambling policies.

Promoting Responsible Gambling

Awareness is the name of the game in states like California, where gambling operators are required to offer responsible gambling information at their venues. In Illinois, you won’t see a gambling advertisement without a message about gambling responsibly tagged onto it.

Health and Wellness for Gamblers

Posters for companies to use to promote safe gambling tips

Once the chips are down, what’s next? In New York, there’s hope. The state has funded treatment centers for gambling addiction, ensuring information about these centers is as widely and readily available as casino online betting options. And in Connecticut, the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services isn’t just sitting on their hands — they’re running public awareness campaigns about the importance of seeking help.

Gamble Responsibly at Borgata Online

In the high-stakes game of tackling gambling issues, it’s clear that various states are placing their bets on proactive approaches. From introducing self-exclusion programs and mandatory training to funding educational and awareness campaigns, they’re showing they’ve got the gambler’s back. Borgata Online continues to make every effort to keep the thrill of casino games exciting and responsible.