Is roulette the ultimate recreational gambling game? Many players think so. This classic table game has kept gamers entertained since it hit the casinos of Paris back in the 18th century. Today, gamers everywhere can experience the same satisfaction with online roulette.
But what exactly makes roulette such a classic? Without a doubt, it’s the combination of simple gameplay, high suspense, and a broad range of betting options, including split bets. Suitable for more advanced players, split bets offer increased payouts for higher volatility and form the basis of multiple roulette strategies. Take a look at how they work.
Introducing Splits Bets in Roulette

So, what is a split bet in roulette, exactly? To understand the concept, it helps to know the basics of the game itself, so here’s a quick refresher.
Classic European roulette is a game of chance played with a wheel, a little ball, and a roulette table. The wheel is divided into 36 numbered pockets and a single zero pocket (an American roulette wheel has two zero pockets). The table has a betting grid consisting of three columns of 12 numbers alternately colored red and black, with zero in its own space at the end of the grid. Outside the grid are spaces marked “1st 12,” “2nd 12,” “3rd 12,” “red,” “black,” “even,” “odd,” “1–18,” and “19–36.”
The game begins when the dealer or croupier calls for the players to make their bets. Players can place their chips on the grid (these are called inside bets) or in one of the outside spaces (outside bets). The dealer then spins the wheel in one direction and spins the ball around the wheel in the opposite direction. Eventually, the wheel slows down, and the ball drops into one of the segments. At this point, the dealer announces the winning number, collects losing bets, and pays out winning bets.
Importantly, payouts vary from one bet to the next according to the odds. The biggest payout odds (+3,500) are for a straight-up bet on a specific number. This is the bet with the highest volatility and the lowest odds of winning. The lowest payout odds (±100) are for the so-called even-money outside bets (red, black, even, odd, 1–18, and 19–36). These low-volatility bets have the best odds of winning.
In between these two extremes are all sorts of possibilities, including split bets. These are simply bets placed on the line between two adjacent numbers. The bet “covers” both numbers and pays out odds of +1,700 if either wins.
Tips for Playing Roulette Split Bets

Why place split bets in roulette? At odds of +1,700, roulette split bet payouts are second only to straight-up bets. For example, if you place a $5 chip on the line between 8–11, and either of them comes in, the payout will be $85 plus the original bet. However, the odds (+1,752 and +17,877 for European and American roulette, respectively) are not in your favor. For this reason, beginner players are advised against placing split bets. That said, players with the bankroll to ride out the volatility can incorporate split bets into their roulette strategy — and have a great deal of fun while doing it. Here are four of the most popular strategies involving split bets.
Black Splits
Place a chip on each of the five splits consisting of black number pairs (8–11,10–13, 17–20, 26–29, and 28–31). This covers 10 numbers in total, with odds of +270. If any of your splits come in, your net profit will be 13 chips.
Red Splits
Place a chip on each of the four splits consisting of red number pairs (9–12, 16–19, 18–21, and 27–30). This covers eight numbers with odds of +363 and a potential profit of 14 chips.
Six Splits
A solid roulette split bet strategy is to pick six splits per spin, covering 12 numbers. The percentage probability of winning is nearly one spin in three, which works out as odds of +209, with a potential net profit of 11 chips.
When picking your splits, ensure none overlap and thus cover fewer numbers (e.g., splits on 25–26 and 26–27 will cover only three numbers).
A standard pre-set bet found in online roulette casino games is the classic “Tiers” French bet, which covers a specific set of 12 numbers with six splits (5–8, 10–11, 13–16, 23–24, 27–30, and 33–36).
Single Number With Splits
Looking for an efficient way to potentially maximize your roulette winnings? Place a chip straight up on one of the 12 central numbers (0, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, or 32) and cover its four splits. Say your chosen number is 8. You need to place splits on 5–8, 7–8, 8–9, and 8–11. As a result, you’re covering five numbers. This gives you odds of +312 to hit a winning number on a European roulette wheel. If one of your splits comes in, you make a net profit of 13 chips. But if the straight-up bet pays off, you get a payout with +3,500 odds, plus four payouts with +1,700, for a net profit of 103 chips.
Orphelins Split Bet
Similar logic applies to the classic French bet known as Orphelins (directly translates to “orphans”), which covers 17, 34, 6 and 1, 20, 14, 31, 9 with five chips — one straight-up on 1 and splits on 6–9, 14–17, 17–20, and 31–34. The odds are +312, but the potential net profit is much lower because the 1 doesn’t have any splits in this bet.
Explore Online Roulette Casino Games at Borgata Online
Ready to put some of these split bet strategies to the test? Register at Borgata Online to explore a broad range of roulette casino games online, including virtual RNG games and live casino variants featuring real live dealers operating authentic roulette wheels and tables. Beyond roulette, there’s also baccarat, blackjack, and craps to discover, not to mention a slew of entertaining online slots. Play responsibly and enjoy yourself at Borgata Online.